Managing of Product in Web Shop:
Overview: A Web Shop consists of products and it is important that these products are organised and managed properly. For the products to be organised they need to have all proper details available in the shop and for managing these products details we have Manage Products section.
Managing of Products:
From the Add Products to Shop manual you are already aware about how to add/upload a product in to the web shop. Now once products are uploaded we need to organise then by adding more infos of it like, images, data sheets or manuals, more prices, properties or technical details and etc as while adding a product we are only adding them to shop with some of the basic infos such as Name and Description and Price, more infos are to be added once the products are added into the shop. For adding these more infos we have different available options for different section of infos. We begin with the product basic details.
Products Details:
This section is for adding more details of the Product. Please login and click on Shop Admin, once in shop admin interface click on Manage Products in the left side menus. In manage products you see all the products which are available in the shop with many options under them to manage their infos in the first tab. The first among the option is Product Details. Clicking on it opens a pop up in which the various input text fields are seen. All the details which are given already with product upload are shown with some other empty fields. In this section of Product Details, the following details are to be updated, Name which is the name of the product which must be already there and it can be altered too if needed, Model Number not a mandatory field but you can still give a model number for product for internal purposes, Product Title this is the headline of the product in the display pages and it carries h1 tag, not a mandatory field but if you give the title then it is good for SEO of purposes, URL for sharing more infos of product from other sources, Brand if its a multi brand shop then you can select a brand for the product. Further you can add or edit Short Description, Long Description, Upload an Image and also give a youtube url if you have any product videos. Also possible is to select more than one categories by clicking on select category a drop down opens showing categories list in the same structure as they are, you can select up to 3 categories in which you can display the product. Further you can add edit the basic price, tax and stock details too in this Product Details section. Once you add all the infos click on Update Details button and all the details you have given are updated to product which you can any time edit or change.
Product Additional Informations:
This section is for adding product additional informations like for example Technical Details, or specifications etc. Click on the link Product Informations, a new page opens where you can manage the product additional information. As there is no information available already you will see an empty page, on the right side in this empty page you would find the option Add NewProperty. Clicking on it opens a pop up page where you can select the name of the property from the drop down list. Once you select the name you would see an input text field where you can enter value for the property selected and click + Add New Property, a new property is added for this product, if you want to add more properties you can follow the same procedure and you can add as many properties as you want.
Price Management:
In the product details it is possible to enter the basic product details like the Purchase Price and Sale price but to manage more kind of prices, prices for special customers, prices for distributors, prices for dealers, Price bands we have this Price Management section. When you click on the Price Management, a pop up opens where you will see the Basic Sale price which you have already given in the product details. Under the sale price you will see various groups/roles available in the shop. For each group you will find adjacent to their name an input text box followed by the symbol %. Which is if you want to offer some price reduction for those groups then you have to enter the %age of reduction in the input text field. So all you have to do is enter a number between 1-100 for groups you want to offer discount and the prices are reduced for those group users accordingly. Under the groups you see another block with head line Price Band Management, this is for offering special prices for products if purchased in more quantity. You can enter here also in the input text field the reduction of prices for different bands. In this page you will see the price bands you have added in shop followed by the input text field. Its also possible to manage the different bands you want to use in the shop via the Price Band. This you can find in the top buttons in Manage Products page click on it, a pop up opens up displaying the existing price bands with Edit, Delete option and below the existing ones you will find the button Add for adding new price bands. Simply click on it a pop up opens asking you to give the From - To value. Enter appropriate numbers in those fields and a new price band is added. And to manage the special price for the band you can give the %age of difference in the Price Management section.
Related Products:
It is quite common that a product is related or connected to other products. Some time a product consists of other products too. To manage these relations between products we have the Related Products section. Using this related product section you can connect the product selected to other products in the shop very easily. For doing that click on Related Products link, a pop up opens displaying on top the product you have selected and below rest of the products available in the shop. Now for adding related products to this product you can search for specific products using the search window on top or in the column, once you find the right products then you add the related products by selecting the product, for the selected product you have to add the Relationship Type, you can do that by selecting from the drop down the different relationship types. Once you select the relationship type then you can also choose the priority in which you want to show this product in related products. If you want to show any product first than the others then you can give it priority 2 which is high and if it does not matter then you can just ignore the option and simply click on Add Product button. A new related product is added to the selected product. Already added products with their relationship tpye are shown just under the main product, you can after adding also change the relationship type just by selecting another name from the drop down selection. Also you can add any number of products as related product under different relation types. And for further managing the Relationship Types name click on the button Relation Types a pop up opens displaying all the existing relationship types name with the possibility to edit. You can directly edit the name of the Relation and click on update to save it. Further you can either Disable make it inactive or Delete all together if you do not want to have it those relation types. And if you want to add new Relation Type just simply click Add New button and you will get a pop up requesting to give a name, give it a name and click on Add and it is added and the same are reflected in the add related products window.
Manage Images & More Files:
Products usually have multiple images in various different angles and multiple files such as manuals, data sheets and more. For that reason we have the Manage Images and More Files section. Clicking on the link opens a pop up window where you can see all the existing images or files if uploaded earlier. At the bottom of the window you will find two buttons Upload from Local System and Browse from Server, the first option Upload from local systems is for uploading files and images from you local computer to product. Click on it and a pop up opens. As you can see in the pop up window, you can upload at a time up to 5 different files or images. For each selection of upload you can give a name for it, also possible to select which language you want to upload the file from the available languages and in needed you can select All languages too. After that click on Browse, it loads your local computer where you can select the file, once selected click on Upload and the files or images selected are uploaded to the server as well as for the product. Also file which are once uploaded can be assigned to the other products too. For this option click on the second button, Browse from Server, once you click on it a pop up opens up asking you the select language for updating the file which is already in server and then you have the possibility to select from already existing file from the drop down selection. In this way it is easily possible for you to use same for different products.
Hide Offline:
If you want to hide the product offline and make it only available for the shop admin for updating the data then you can use this option to hide it from users. Clicking on the link Hide Offline will make the product hidden for all the general users but it is still possible for the shop admins and users with permission to work on this product. And once you finished working on the product and you want to make it available again for users then simply click on the link Show Online the product is again made available to general users.
Clicking on the link Discontinue will remove the product from general categories and moves them into Discontinued products. This discontinue section is a special category which is for products which are no longer produced but you still have stock available which you want to sell. Such products you can move them to Discontinued products by clicking on the link Discontinue.
Move to Trash:
This option is to remove the product from the shop. All products which you no longer want to sell, which you want to delete you can move them to trash by just clicking on the link Move to Trash. All products which are moved to trash can be seen in menu Product in Trash and if you want you can also move back these products from trash to shop.
Edit All Products:
This edit all products interface is available for some sections of product management, using the edit all interfaces available it is easy for updating infos for multiple products at one go. Using this it is easy to add common infos for many products at one go. This edit all interface is available for Product Basic details, Product Price, Product Category, Product SEO, Stock Data and for Price Management. All these tabs can be found in the Manage Products page itself adjacent to the Single product tab. Click on any tab to select the section. For example we select the product Stock Data section, in here you will see products in table represented by products in rows and their details in columns. You see all the fields are input text fields. For products which already have data the text field if filled with that data and for products with no data it is empty and you can start putting data directly in the text fields. So one by one you can start putting datas product by product, details by details and if you have some common data which you want to enter for all products like for example you have common incoming stock number which you want to update for some 100 products of a single category, now first choose the category from the search and filter options, all the category products are shown, now from the Records Per Page option select the maximum number per page then most of the products are loaded in rows. Now in the first column of the table under the headline Image you will find a check box with name Common Fields, select this check box and it activates the first row of the table, this row is for adding the common values. Now select all product rows by checking the box S.No. Now all rows are selected. Now choose the column in which you want to add the column values, then go to that particular column and enter the common value and click on enter or Press Tab. You will see that the common value you have entered is then applied to all the products shown in the table. Now click on the button Update Details, this you will find at the bottom of last row. Once clicked then all the data you have inputed is saved to all the products. In this way it is very easy to add common values. First select a group of products for which you want to add the common values either by selecting a category or using a search keyword and then activate the common values field by checking it and then select all the products by selecting the all option and then enter the common values and click on update.
Products SEO:
This section is for managing meta datas of the Products such as Title, Description, Keywords. To enter the meta datas click on the tab Product SEO, here you will see all the shop products with Image and Name, followed by text input fields for Title, Description and Keywords. You can start adding those infos in the fields directly one by one product wise and for fields you want to add common details you can select the products by searching for a keyword or by selecting a category. By selecting common fields you can activate the common data input and give value in the common input fields and select the products for which you want the common data to be updated. After inputing the data click on Update Details button and all the data you entered in updated for the products.